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Why Do You Wear Your Guitar So High

I get a few humorous comments about wearing my guitar up high. So, here’s why I do it. A long time ago I slung my guitar low. But then I started noticing that I was having problems playing stuff on the gig that I practiced at home.

It dawned on me that when I practiced at home, which was sitting down, my guitar was positioned very differently relative to me than when I was standing on the gig. I realized that in order for my hands and guitar to feel the same, regardless of whether I was standing or sitting, I needed to either stand up when I practiced or sit down when I was on the gig.

Well, neither of those things was going to happen, so the compromise was to first sit down, then get my guitar in a comfortable position relative to me, then adjust the strap so it would hold up the guitar as if it was on my knee, and then stand up.

Well, when I stood up, my guitar was not in gun-slinger position anymore. It was riding kinda high. But, that’s where it is and I’m stickin’ to it. I guess that’s ergonomics.

If it was good enough for George Harrison, it’s good enough for me.


If you are serious about improving your guitar playing, there is simply no other program like FRETBOARD BIOLOGY. This is the only program that combines all the benefits of a structured professional guitar program with the low cost and convenience of self-learning.

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