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Work Hard on Dynamics

If you haven’t already, have your band take the next step of maturation – and that’s to work hard on dynamics. In other words, how loud or soft the band is, and in what places in a song.

Dynamics can drastically alter the emotional impact of a song and to ignore this is to miss a great opportunity.

The idea of group dynamics is for the band to function more like a flock of birds instead of like piranhas attacking their prey in a feeding frenzy.

Here’s a simple guide to dynamics that’s tied to the sections of a song. This is just an example, and it may not work for every song, but this can get you thinking about a scheme for dynamics.

You can make the intro strong. This allows for contrast with the first verse. On verses, bring the volume down – this shines the light on the 1st verse.
At the pre-chorus, bring up the volume a little. You’re building toward the chorus.

The chorus can be strong and perhaps one of the loudest sections of the song if not the loudest.

Repeat that scheme for the next verse, pre-chorus and chorus.

How loud you play the bridge depends on the song but usually, they stay loud.

Guitar solos can build from soft to louder.

This is just one example scheme. The idea is to be conscious of dynamics and use it.


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